The industry of fashion and style is one of the main sources of pollution in the world. Most brands use cheap, synthetic materials that have a short lifespan, quickly deteriorate, and then, it takes more than two hundred years to degrade. Therefore, silk is the basis and value of our brand. This fabric is completely natural and has a long service life. For example, the service life of silk can reach 20 years, the lifespan of the best cotton products can reach 9-10 year, and this is only under ideal conditions of use. As you can see, it’s just half of silk service life. As for cheap synthetic clothes, their lifespan is often very short, in some cases products become unusable after the first wash. The treatment process isn’t subjected to mechanical technologies and chemical reagents. We use natural dyes for bleaching and painting.As a result we get a shiny material in which all the necessary properties are preserved.